Press & Publications

Date Category Title Publication Author
12/2016 Residential Transactions Real Estate Transactions and Notary Public Exposure The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew Lieb, Esq. MPH
01/2017 Commercial & Income Producing Real Estate Enforcing a Commercial Lease Against a Guarantor The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew Lieb, Esq., MPH
09/2017 Development, Construction & Environmentals Lien Law §19’s Summary Discharge of Lien for Private Improvement Clarified by Court of Appeals The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
10/2017 Real Estate - General Good Faith Purchaser for Value's Ability to Record Memorandum Heard by Second Department The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
11/2017 Real Estate - Title No More Title Insurance Bribes: Compliance Protocol Needed at Every Title Insurance Agency The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
01/2018 Rentals New Statute - Residential Rentals must be Code Compliant or Face Premises Liability Exposure The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
02/2018 Real Estate - General Top 10 Real Estate Laws of 2017 The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
03/2018 Rentals The End of Yellowstone Injunctions The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
04/2018 Condominiums & Cooperatives Condo and Co-op Boards Beware - Discrimination in Housing The Suffolk Lawyer Dennis Valet, Esq.
04/2018 Real Estate - General 2018 is All About Real Estate Law | Special Real Estate Issue The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
09/2018 Employment Advising Employers to Take Preventative Measures to Avoid Costly and Disruptive Litigation The Suffolk Lawyer Mordy Yankovich, Esq.
09/2018 Real Estate - Title Sports Tickets for Real Estate Attorneys - Title Regulation Annulled - Game On The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq.
07/2018 Mortgages & Foreclosure Mortgage Foreclosure SOL: 5-Prong Deacceleration Test The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
12/2017 Lawsuits - General Backyard Videos Cause Lawsuits The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
05/2018 Fair Housing & Discrimination NYS Sexual Harassment Law Exposes Businesses to Claims by Independent Contractor Victims of Independent Contractor Harassers: Real Estate Brokerage Firms be Warned The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
04/2019 Mortgages & Foreclosure Federal Preemption of State Banking Laws - Are Mortgages and Foreclosures Ripe for Federal Regulation? The Suffolk Lawyer Dennis C. Valet, Esq.
04/2019 Employment Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contracts: A Costly Mistake The Suffolk Lawyer Mordy Yankovich, Esq.
04/2019 Real Estate - General 2019 Real Estate Beyond the Closing The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
05/2019 Fair Housing & Discrimination Landlords/ Associations Need Policies/Procedures to Address Tenant-on-Tenant Harassment The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
05/2019 Employment The Court of Appeals Salvages the Home Health Care Industry by Upholding the DOL's "13-Hour Rule" The Suffolk Lawyer Mordy Yankovich, Esq.
04/2019 Lawsuits - General Freedom of Contract Ends Yellowstone Injunctions, What's Next? The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
04/2019 Employment Supreme Court Rules That an Employer Can Forfeit its Right to Challenge an Employees Failure to Exhaust His or Her Administrative Remedies The Suffolk Lawyer Mordy Yankovich, Esq.
01/2019 Employment Suffolk County Bans Employers From Inquiring Into Applicant's Salary History The Suffolk Lawyer Mordy Yankovich, Esq.
01/2019 Real Estate - General Cash Offers on Real Estate Transactions: Option for Acquisition Mortgage Post-Closing The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq., MPH
12/2018 Employment Supreme Court Expands Reach of ADEA The Suffolk Lawyer Mordy Yankovich, Esq.
12/2018 Real Estate - General Contracts of Sale: Preserving Rights is Transactional Counsel's Job The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq.
11/2018 Employment New Sexual Harassment Laws - What Corporate Counsel Needs to Know The Suffolk Lawyer Mordy Yankovich, Esq.
11/2018 Real Estate Brokerage Real Estate Brokerages, The Labor Law and Outsourcing HR The Suffolk Lawyer Andrew M. Lieb, Esq.
10/2019 Employment New York State Overhauls Discrimination/Harassment Laws Opening the Floodgates to Future Claims The Suffolk Lawyer Mordy Yankovich, Esq.
06/2020 Commercial & Income Producing Real Estate The Constitutionality of NYC’s Law Affecting the Enforceability of Personal Guaranties for Commercial Leases The Suffolk Lawyer Leslie Mendoza, Esq.
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